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مرحباً بكم مع درس  من دروس قواعد الإنجليزية …

زمن الماضي المستمر The Past Continuous Tense

أولاً: صياغة زمن الماضي المستمر:

يصاغ هذا الزمن بواسطة تصريف فعل الكينونة (to be) في صيغة الماضي البسيط مع الضمائر المختلفة ثم الفعل الأساسي بإضافة ing في نهايته:

was, were + verb + ing

ثانياً: استخداماته:

1- يستخدم ليعبر عن حدث كان مستمراً عندما قطعه حدث آخر, كأنك تقول بالعربي مثلاً ” عندما كنت بلعب.. بدأت تمطر) كنت بلعب هي ما يعبر عنه بالإنجليزية بالماضي المستمر, واليك الأمثلة التالية بالإنجليزية:

While I was watering the garden, it began to rain.

As the man was watching the exhibits, a thief stole his wallet.

When she arrived, I was talking to my mother.


أ- غالباً ما نستخدم هذا الزمن مع الكلمات الآتية:

When, while, as

ب- يلي while و as ماضي مستمر أما الفعل الآخر فيكون بصيغة الماضي البسيط

2- يستخدم لحدثين كانا مستمران في وقت واحد في الماضي مثل:

While he was studying, his father was reading the papers.

I was cooking in the kitchen while my daughter was studying her lessons.

نلاحظ هنا أن الفعلان مع while هما في الماضي المستمر

3- لهذا الزمن استخدامات أخرى لذا فهو يستخدم ل:

أ- حدث كان مستمراً بين نقطتين من الزمن في الماضي مثل:

From 2 to 4 yesterday, he was playing in the street.

From the school time till bedtime, I was studying my lessons.

ب- حدث كان مستمراً في وقت محدد في الماضي مثل:

She was washing up at 2 o’clock yesterday.

I was repairing my car the whole night yesterday.

ج- يستخدم مع كلمة “always” ليعبر عن المضايقة مثل:

He was always asking for help.

She was always annoying us.

ثالثاً: تمارين:

تمرين رقم 1:

صحح الفعل بين القوسين:

1- While I (study) last night, the light (go) out.

2- He (see) a house on fire while he (walk).

3- When she (arrive) yesterday, I (have) a bath.

4- He (sit) on the bank fishing when he (see) a drowning boy.

5- As she (study), she (fall) asleep.

تمرين رقم 2:

اختر الإجابة الصحيحة وضعها في مكانها المناسب:

1- While he …………… to Cairo, he came across a friend of mine. (traveling, was traveling, traveled)

2- He fell down while he …………………. (was running, running, had run)3- I ………………… the television at 10 o’clock yesterday. (watched, was watching, watching)

4- While she was studying, her father ………………. (read, reading, was reading)

5- What was he doing when I ……………………? (arrived, had arrived, was arriving)

رابعاً: حلول التمارين:

حل تمرين رقم 1:

1- While I was studying last night, the light went out.

2- He saw a house on fire while he was walking.

3- When she arrived yesterday, I was having a bath.

4- He was sitting on the bank fishing when he saw a drowning boy.

5- As she was studying, she fell asleep.

حل تمرين رقم 2:

1- While he was traveling to Cairo, he came across a friend of mine.

2- He fell down while he was running.

3- I was watching the television at 10 o’clock yesterday.

4- While she was studying, her father was reading.

5- What was he doing when I arrived?